Wednesday, 12 August 2015

View From The Top ....

The new block was completed two years ago but it was only early this year that it was officially ready to be occupied. I was moved here to the first floor which was the new staff room in January. Staff with designated tasks were housed in one staff room for easier organisation. I moved out to my present room when I set up the SAL room. I had never gone up to the fourth and highest floor when I was here at this new block. Thus I did not realise what I had missed.

It was PT3 oral exam last week and we, the teachers involved, were put up here for the silent and conducive environment to conduct the oral test. Last week saw me going up to the fourth floor for the first time. What a view !!!! It was mesmerising ..... here are some of the views. They say pictures speak a thousand words .. maybe this is my way of saying goodbye one day at a time ...

The sun trying to break through a new day on a cloudy morning - view from one end of the corridor
The view of Gunung Jerai (about 40km away) on a cloudy morning ... as one friend said - "Beauiful"
Another aerial view of another side of the school
The main housing estates behind the school sprouting taking over the padi fields bit by bit ...
Another view of another section of the school
The view of the MPV class's mini orchard - they study landscaping & nursery
Another side view of the school
A pathway leading to the new block towards the back of the school. The construction work going on is the renovation of the old surau. I hope to see it completed before I leave this school forever ....

The one hour break during the oral exam gave me the time to wander along the corridor and took photographs with my iPad. I am not a good photographer so I do not do justice to the view. But I am content that I have these simple photos as part of my memory of this school where I have given 25 years of my professional life as a simple, ordinary teacher .... nothing more, nothing less... ;-0))