Last month, after the fasting month, and we were already back to school, I was on my way home from school. The radio was on as usual at 89.0 i.e. IKIM.FM. When I reached home, and switched off the radio, it refused to turn off the lights. The sound is off but the channel and lights were on. I tried to press the off button or any buttons but they refused to function. I took off the key from the ignition, yet the lights were still on. Oh dear, this would affect the battery. So, when Noor came home that evening, he took out the fuse wire, yet the lights were on. He took off the battery and it was still on. We were mystified yet nothing crossed our minds. The next morning I took his car to school. He said he'd have it checked out at the mechanic later. Later, when he turned on the engine, the lights went off by themselves. He turned on the radio and it was back to normal. What do you make of it?
A few days later, I reached home after school at around 2:30pm. I pulled open the gate to get my car into the porch. The gate was heavy so of course I made a lot of noise. The neighbourhood was silent as usual. Nobody was around at this hour. My house was at the end of the row and next to the side road. There's a plot of undeveloped land where my neighbour planted some plants.There was an aquarium with a few catfish (keli) near the gate. Halfway from pulling open the gate, I saw something moved at the aquarium. It was like a long tail or something swishing left and right. I continued with the gate as I thought it was a large mengkarung. I turned towards the aquarium and saw a light green, long snake coiling itself around the fence near the aquarium. I stared at it helplessly. I hated snakes or anything that was slimy and cold. There's no use screaming as nobody would hear me. I banged at the gate hoping that the loud noise would encouraged it to run away. It just coiled further up the fence and lifted up its brownish little head and stared at me. I was like a cat on a hot seat. I thought snakes were afraid of humans and noise right? I quickly snatched a broom nearby and used the handle part of it to knock against the gate so that it would go away. I told it to go home.
I had forgotten about the snake but I never left the door open anymore. Early morning about 6:45am, two days later, I was ready to go to school. As usual, I put my feet into my shoes. I felt something furry at the end of my toe. I quickly took out my right foot. I hated creepy crawlies. Nothing crossed my mind. Maybe it was the shoe's lining or something. I put my foot again and still that ticklish furry touch. I took out my foot and gave an upside down knock and out came out a large furry greyish caterpillar. The kind where if it got in touch with you
Two days later, I came back from school and wanted to go to the bathroom to clean up myself. Usually I used the bathroom at the back or second bathroom. But that day, without thinking I entered the front bathroom and thankfully, I looked down before stepping into it. A large centipede was waiting on the floor where you had to step on it. I stopped my foot in mid-air and stomped the floor instead. It was just sitting there quietly. I wanted to make sure it was dead. These creatures are supposed to be sensitive to vibrations right? It didn't run away as it should or made its getaway. Instead it just crawled to and fro that specific area. I took my slipper and just killed it. I was so scared. It gave me the creeps and made my hair rose when I kept beating it with my slipper.
Suddenly it dawned on me these three incidents happened within that week.It only happened to me. I was alone at that time. There was no neighbour or anybody around. These creatures are poisonous in their own way albeit not life-threatening. They didn't try to get away from me. I remembered hearing a ceramah on TV about poisonous creatures being sent to a specific person three times just to test that person's ilmu. Black magic. Just to try out. Noor was aking if I went somewhere where something could have followed me home. I am a person who goes to school and home and unless I have a reason, I will go to town to get my stuff. I only drop by the mini market or the sundry shop near my area to get whatever I need. Noor's question was "Siapa yang ikut I balik ni?" I don't want to think about it. I could have offended someone. These creatures could have caused discomfort to me. I could have been bitten by the snake or the caterpillar. But the cream was the centipede. If I had to avoid it and was caught by surprise, I would have fallen in the bathroom. Looking at the position, my head would hit the floor first. It could cause an injury. Alhamdulillah, I am still protected. Maybe through my sons' doa or my family....
I thought it had stopped there. Last week, something mysterious happened in the exam room where I usually am in school. My room la. I had typed something and in an inserted table. I couldn't have possibly typed outside the table right? Print preview showed that everything was in place. The words and the date. I printed out and what came out was only the words but no date and the table was adjusted to the words only. Luckily I had my staff with me. She was mystified as she checked the print preview. We tried 5 times (which was a waste of ink and paper) and it was still the same. Finally, upon the sixth try, it came out as it was supposed to be. No, we didn't make any adjustments. Luckily this lady was the type that persevered and refused to give up.
So, what do you think of it?
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