Monday 6 July 2015

What are you good at ???

Hmmm .... another question that a curious office staff asked me. "Cikgu, what are you actually good at?"
 I answered in the negative. My cooking is so erratic. At times, it turns out okay but most of the time, it is just luck that it does not turn out differently. Mak never taught us how to cook and the older sisters just want us to be the helpers. I only know how to cook basic food such as fry eggs, vegetables, cook rice if there is rice cooker and fry noodles. That's it until I got married and have children.

 Nope. Usually Noor will handle the sewing machine. My mother used to say that if I touched the sewing machine, the needle would almost certainly be broken. I learned needlework in primary school where it was a compulsory lesson in Convent school.

"What about arranging furniture or decorating the house?"
Noor will do that. I am content to leave everything as it is. My mother in-law used to say that if she left something at one place, it would be there whenever she came back to visit years on. She knew it because when she came back to visit my third born, whatever she kept during Syafiq's birth (2 years ago) was exactly where she left it. Anybody can do anything to the house except my books and my working table. Even Noor knows the boundary of touching my books ....

"What about gardening?"
I am allergic to most plants. I have sensitive skin and allergic to most smell of pesticides or chemicals. When Zin came and treated the house for white ants, he told to go somewhere and came back hours later. I cannot even stand the smell of burning rubbish aka open burning or freshly cut grass. What more if it is cigarette .... lucky me that Noor does not smoke and none of the boys, too. If Zin and my brothers in-law who smoke came, they have the decency to smoke outside the house. Yet, I love flowers. One day when I retire, I want to have a small garden of my mother's favourite flowers ... roses.

Exasperated, she finally asked me - "So, what are you good at actually?"
Reading, I smiled at her. You can make me read anything even though it does not interest me. I will read it just to make sense of what is going on. Making scrap books. It used to be my favourite hobby. Letter writing. Now, blogging and sending nonsensical e-mails to disturb my old friend and others. I usually keep in touch with other friends. Doing anything for my sisters even though it is so unpractical. They laughed at me and shook their heads in disbelief.

Even my own mother did not trust me to take care of the baby. Noor usually bathed the baby when they were infants until I was strong enough to do it. I was more of a "tomboy" and Bapak's little girl.
Well, I manage to bring up 3 young men and take care of my husband. Over the years, I learn to cook. I know I can sew but it is just of my interest. I am not a good home maker and lucky for me, I have a partner who accepts me and my interests. He gives me space to do and pursue what I want. Alhamdulillah.

I know I am good at my job. I enjoy voluntary work. I love to make others happy. I oblige whatever requests I can fulfill. Thus, I guess I will just stick to what I do best - read. :-])))  oh yes, don't forget - people watching .....

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