Friday 4 December 2015

Staying In Touch ....

Quote taken from Soo Ewe Jin's column "Beauty of staying in touch" (Sunday Star, 8 November 2015)

"At the same time, I have learned that in communicating, we must not expect to always get a response.
       I believe that not getting a response does not mean that one's sharing is not appreciated.
      We are just different and express ourselves differently, that's all.
       If what I share in a private note, or even in a public column such as this has the effect of   bringing joy to the person reading it, then that is all that matters."

How apt. I have always enjoyed writing e-mails and sent sms or mms but more often than not, I seldom get immediate response or replies. Noor was commenting why it was that we were the ones who always looked up our friends. I told him that he should not have any expectations. If we were free and it was along our way, why not? More often than not, these friends were always happy to welcome us. We lived far in the north and most times, we travelled south to visit our families. Sometimes, we just took the old route and certain friends would come to mind. Thus, we called up and met up. It made us happy. What more of that person .... besides, most of them hardly leave their comfort zone. Our place was not exactly a chosen holiday destination .....

Yet at times I feel like I am intruding and upsetting the other party already busy lives and I will just keep away for a while. I know that this is how relationships and friendships peter out and slowly but surely we will lose touch. Keeping in touch takes a lot of effort especially when we have so many shared memories together. But, all good things come to an end. We leave the old ones due to hardly any communication and build new ones where the eagerness to keep in touch and share are still new and splendid. It does not mean that we have forgotten about them, but somehow it is just not worth the effort. Yet, they are never out of our mind even though its years later.

That is why we have categories of friends - colleagues, staff, co-workers, acquaintance, associate, just friends, best friends, good friends, old friends ..... soul mates. Nevertheless, I always live up to this expectation of myself - if I can make someone happy just by giving my time through e-mail, sms, mms or a call .... why not? If I make someone happy, I will end up happy too.

Friends are forever ...  it is just the frequency of staying in touch that defines which category of friend a person is ...... friends are our roots to who we were before we are consumed with the struggle with our careers, family and other commitments. They are the pillar which uphold tradition, support, love, encouragement, persistence, tolerance, patience .... and most of all, just being there with us. The symbol of bonding, innocence, faith and believe in oneself. So, what are you all waiting for? Stay in touch with friends who have crossed your mind .... DO NOT PROCRASTINATE !!! Life is too short for regrets . ;-} 

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