Saturday 25 March 2017

Mother - His First Love

How does one honour and pay tribute to a mother? A single mother no less. She who takes care of you and your siblings while she herself has to cope with her own loss? An unemployed mother. She has to give up a lot of things to make sure of a future for you.

I am referring to Noor's nephew who got married last fortnight. What made the wedding remarkable and memorable was how his nephew, Afif, paid the highest tribute and homage to his mother.

After the solemnisation ceremony, usually the groom would head for the bride to claim her as his wife by going through the dissolution of ablution. The bride would kiss his hand and received a ring and dowry in exchange. That is the culture and way of things that I had witnessed in countless weddings' solemnisation.

Afif, instead, made a detour and headed straight for his mother, kissed her hands and gave her a hug. He kissed both her cheeks. It was so sudden that not only was his mother was in tears for being so touched, most of us had tears rolling down our cheeks to witness such devotion. Then, he headed for his grandmothers - maternal and paternal. He has no father or grandfathers. Even Afif had tears in his eyes. Finally, he straightened his baju Melayu and headed towards his bride who was sitting demurely on the special dais and claimed her as his lawfully wedded wife. Even the bride had tears in her eyes witnessing her groom paid his respects to his mother first. It was a very touching and moving scene. Unplanned and spontaneous. Full of love and sincerity.

I have three sons. When it is their turn, will I still be the love of their lives? Their first love? I am just happy when they are safe and happy. My prayers are that they will be graced with partners who will be not only their wives but their friends and guide to take them closer to the Creator. Dear Afif, may you be blessed as how you have been blessed by your mother.

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