Friday 4 May 2012

"Puyu" drama

Something interesting happened on my way home from school yesterday (3rd May 2012, Thursday). When I reached the Tok Keling - Alor Mengkudu junction, a white MyVi was in front of me. The main road was clear but it was not moving. It had swerved a little to the left of the small road as it was going to turn left. I was more towards the right. What I saw was a nice surprise yet sorry for it. I saw a "puyu" or "betuk" fish making its way across the MyVi. It was quite large. It must had jumped out of the padi fields beside the road. That was why the My Vi was not moving. A young lady opened the door and looked at me. I was smiling at her and giving her the thumbs up - meaning that it was alright with me. Being a girl, I guess she was quite squeamish about catching the live fish.
The "puyu" or "betuk" from the padi fields
Thankfully, two young boys on a bicycle went past us and stopped suddenly in their tracks when they saw the fish. They immediately jumped down from their bike and cross the road to help the young lady. More likely happy with their surprise catch. I watched the drama as the boys caught it with their bare hands. The fish was now safely in their hands. The MyVi went on its way and me, mine. It was an uplifting sight. Rezeki yang tidak di sangka oleh the boys. The compassion of two young ladies in the MyVi. And, the patience Allah granted me to watch and learn from this mini drama.

The moral of the story - better the home you know and feel safe rather than jump into the wide open world with no preparation or defense.  :-)  Anybody care to disagree? I hope the poor fish ended in the aquarium or fish bowl rather than the pot. ;-0

This brought back a memory of Syafiq and the little white puppy. When he was in Form Five, I was driving him to his tuition centre when in the middle of the small road, a little puppy was frolicking happily. It did not seem to be moving to the side of the road. I stopped the car and noticed that the other vehicles had to stop too. Only motorbikes passed through the small road but none stopped to do anything about the puppy. I refused to move just like the MyVi did. If I moved, the puppy would be run over. I certainly did not want that guilt on my conscience. We could see the mother dog at the side of the road waiting for its pup to join the brood.

Suddenly, Syafiq opened the door and walked out towards the puppy. He did not touch the puppy but gesturing it to move to its mother. The puppy thought he wanted to play with it. Puppies are so unpredictable. Syafiq managed to get the puppy to its mother. Cars were already honking. The vehicles which could see the drama just waited for Syafiq to reenter the car and we moved on, happy that the little puppy was safe. I was very proud and touched that my son, without being told what to do, had the compassion to help a little puppy. I looked at him in amazement and wonder and he returned the look with a huge grin on his face. I think I have done something right with my upbringing of the boys. Alhamdulillah. Just like the young ladies in the MyVi, they just could not move the car out of compassion for the little fish. MasyAllah. SubhanAllah. Thank you, Allah, for little mercies shown on your creation, big or small.

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