Tuesday 11 October 2016

Which Grace of Allah Do You Deny???

Surgery was scheduled for Tuesday - 4th October 2016 or 2nd Muharram 1438H. We were advised to be admitted two days earlier to prepare Syafiq for the surgery. He would need the time to prepare himself mentally, emotionally and physically for it. On Monday, although it was a public holiday for Ma'al Hijrah, the doctors came one by one to brief him on what was going to happen. They were very clear and direct, showing pictures via their handphones. The anaesthetist came and explain the procedure to give him a general anaesthesia. Then, the surgeon who was going to perform the surgery came and explained where he was to make the incision, how long and how many screws would go into the plate on his glenoid. After that was a visit from the sports doctor who would be in charge of his post-surgery and rehabilitation process. It was quite overwhelming. No wonder we were advised to admit two days earlier than the scheduled surgery. A day just to rest and relax. The day before was just a lot of preparations. Later, a young doctor came to mark the site for the surgery area. It sounded like marking a tree for felling .....

That night he was told to have his last meal at midnight. He was scheduled to be the first patient for the orthopedic team. I was relieved to hear that as the waiting for the surgery would be faster i.e. as soon as you woke up. I sent out sms to all my siblings to allow us some privacy to prepare Syafiq emotionally and psychologically. We performed our Maghrib prayers, 'solat hajat' and recited the "surah Yaasin" led by Noor in the privacy of our hospital room. Just the three of us asking for the strength and patience to face this daunting trial graced by Allah. I asked for the prayers of those dear and close to us.

At 5:30am, the nurse sent the surgery uniform. We prepared Syafiq with lots of support and love. He was afraid of the unknown yet he was calm and accepting about it. I kept my cool and just told him to just get on with it. Only Allay knew what a turmoil my insides were. But the doctors were very reassuring and the nurses and staff were very compassionate and patient. I felt total heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for their understanding. It was a first time for us as parents. The fear, the anxiety, the gamut of mixed feelings all in one.

I used to wish I had a little girl to tie ribbons .... and I got to tie ribbons on Syafiq's surgery clothes .. ;-}
Following the nurse pushing Syafiq to the operation theatre  .. . I went alone
I kissed him on his forehead and let him go into the operation theatre, leaving him in the hands of Allah swt
I went back to the room and waited with Noor. The waiting was calm and I spent it reciting my Quran, prayers and walking up and down the corridor outside the wards. I sent him at 6:53am. We finally received news that he was ready to be back into the room. I followed the nurse again to the operation theatre and was just glad to see him conscious. It was 1:50pm. It was almost seven hours.
I wished I could take his pain away. I detached myself from whatever turmoil was churning in my heart and mind. I smiled at him and kissed his forehead. The biggest hurdle was over.

Looks could be so deceiving - that bandage covered eleven stitches where they made an incision to put in the titanium plate with four screws to tighten the glenoid / shoulder socket
I marvelled at this son of mine. His positive attitude. His easy going ways. His acceptance. His aunties from near and far made the journey to see him. My sisters from Malacca and Cameron Highlands came. This is one favourite nephew. I was just glad it was over. Syafiq was just glad his mum was around. Everything would be all right by the grace of Allah. Noor took leave regardless of being approved or not for the two weeks we were in and out of hospital. I could just heave a long sigh of gratitude and thanks to Allah for being compassionate and merciful by easing everything for us. Now the long road to recovery and rehabilitaion.

Thus, which grace of Allah do you deny ???? (Ar-Rahman)

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