Tuesday 4 July 2017

Ramadhan 1438H / 2017M

Ramadhan was here and thankful that we were still able to go through it. A month of blessing and repentance. A month of tests and trials of patience and perseverance.

This Ramadhan is full of being tested on health issues. My inflammation of the hamstring is the early stages of arthritis. When the pain was unbearable, I paid a visit to my doctor. She gave me a handful of supplements instead of medication for the pain. She gave me fish oil, vitamin C effervescent and prozaid - something for the inflammation. And of course the pain killer which was supposed to be taken when necessary seemed to be necessary to be taken daily. Otherwise I could not stand the pain and stiffness in my knees. Alhamdulillah, so far I still managed to perform all my prayers albeit wearing a knee guard to give me support. Such a small issue compared to others dear to me.

Kak Ti was unwell and had to be taken to the doctor before the start of Ramadhan. She could not eat and vomit whatever she ate that she lost a lot of weight. For someone who is already so thin, she looked worse. I could only called her and enquired after her health. Alhamdulillah, she said she could still fast and performed her prayers.

Hamid too was so breathless most of the time. His lungs must had given up on him. Who would have thought Allah gave him another almost twenty years when he was in a coma for two weeks due to tuberculosis? Allah graced him with time to watch his two children grew up, went to universities and Afiqah had already started working. We always said he's living on borrowed time.

Zin was having a high fever with coughing, vomitting and purging. After a week of Ramadhan he was still having a fever. Then he suffered a painful back and shoulder pain. He lived alone and only I would visit him. All I could do was pray for him and hope that there were kind people around to help him. Alhamdulillah ... by the third week of Ramadhan he was much better. He still continued his fasting.

Zeti's mother suffered a mini stroke which left her almost paralysed on her right side. Suri's mother in-law was admitted to hospital for a stomach complication. The saddest news was Ismahan's mother who was diagnosed with stage four stomach cancer. She returned to Malaysia leaving her family on a month's leave to take care of her mum in the initial stage.

So many of us being tested but subhanAllah ... every one got up and tried to be the best Muslim in observing the obligations of  Ramadhan.

If this is our last Ramadhan by the grace of Allah, may we come out of it blessed, forgiven and protected from the fires of hell.

** We got the sad news that Ismahan's mother passed away  a week after Hari Raya. Being a doctor herself, she knew that her mother did not have long to live. She was back in Manchester when she received news of her mother passing. I was deeply affected because I had met her mother and she left a pleasant impact upon me. Besides, because of her situation, Ismahan came back and we finally got to meet up after 26 years. May Allah blessed her soul. Al-Fatihah. **

For Ismahan, Sharizan and family ... and always in our thoughts and prayers.

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