Wednesday 6 January 2016

One Day At A Time ... ;-))

A week has passed by 2016. I had been quite busy since my return to Alor Setar from KJ. After the visit to Kulim with Zin and Syafiq and sending them off the next day, I had to oblige my social engagements. No planning, no prior appointments. Just a call and we met up. Firstly, there was Zeti and her children. Noor's sister in-law. Since we were meeting for hi-tea, she called up another in-law (aka my biras). A gathering of the female biras. She joined us with her children too. Thus I had ten of us at Secret Recipe including me. We had a foodie time with me giving a treat to the children who got their UPSR and PT3 results.

The next few days there was a call from an ex-student who was leaving for Klang for a new job. Thus, we met up for lunch and bonded as teacher-friend. I also managed to catch up with Omayah for hi-tea. There were also wedding invitations to attend. Friends and family who came as it was the school holidays. It was a busy time as a friend, family and hostess. So, I could not really say how does it feel being retired? There was also a charity project with Omayah. We went to this very deep- in village to lend support to her friend who started the free clothes and books project. It was very humbling to see how the poor villagers - mostly rubber tappers and padi farmers - felt honoured and grateful for the used clothes that we collected from friends and neighbours. Alhamdulillah.

I always do things without thinking - impulsive and spontaneous ... Not good if people do not know me ... 
Finally, the school reopened. Officially I am a retired civil servant. Thus, to commemorate this auspicious event of my life, I had lunch with a fellow retiree. We took photos and sent them to our young friends who were sweating it out on the first day of school !!!! Hahahaha ... ;-0)))   There were a few things that I had to settle after I had retired. The union where I was a member. Now the status has changed to associate member or a member for life. My health care insurance which was more expensive now since I was no longer in the collected group. I terminated my membership with the KGMK - a cooperative for Kedah Malay teachers. I completed my claims and filled in the requisite forms. Thus, I can proclaim myself a retiree. As my brother Zin put it - with nothing to do .... well, I agree to some extent in the sense that nothing being pre-planned and formed in the mindset of what to do and accomplish for the day. No agenda. No meetings. No datelines. No appointments. NO STRESS !!!! hahaha .... ;=)))


So, what have I been up to these early days? Well, I have the job of feeding the birds and cats. I go for my morning walk after Subuh prayers which is akin to going to school at that hour. I prepare breakfast for both of us. I can do my extra prayers and recite my Quran at leisure. I prepare dinner since both of us do not take lunch after a heavy, late breakfast. I catch up with my reading. If I am bored, I go out for my evening walk and just walk away whatever is in my mind. Night is dedicated to my Maker. By the time my partner is home and I have served his dinner and catch up with each other's news, it is already midnight. Another day goes by .... I am more relaxed. I do not have to rush and run helter skelter catching up with time. I slow down. I appreciate time and every day given to me. I am content being at home. So, why do some well-meaning people keep asking what am I doing now? They cannot accept that I do nothing. Yet, to me, I am doing everything. I am a very simple person with simple needs to make me happy and content. The plus side is - I am being paid for taking my life leisurely .... hahaha .... :-))

They only come in the morning to be fed ... pigeons, tekukur, merbok and pipit ... 
They are so used to you that they wait in front of the gate waiting for you to feed them ...
Only one turn up today - there are 2 more ... they eat about 4 to 5 times a day .. in fact every time I open the door ...  
 Thus, I take one day at a time ... I love this quote ....

For others who is still trying to accept that I am retired from my professional life ... 

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