Thursday 23 June 2016

I Am Humbled ... ;-()

How does one measure success in one's career? Is it through all the awards, accolades and appreciation? Is it through the promotion and rewards? If one is in the education field where there is no physical yardstick to measure the successes one has achieved ... then how does one rate himself as being a success in his field? Can one say through the percentage of passes or whatever data the institution gives out? I suppose so since successes in education is achieved through the targets set. The number of As. The number of top scorers.

I consider my occupation as an educator a success when I have touched my students' lives and made a difference. It may not be much but when students make it a point to look you up after umpteen years ... to prove that they have done something in their lives because you are,  once upon a time in their lives, one of the people who has come into their lives and touched them. However they labelled you as firm, serious, disciplined, strict, fierce or even funny ... they know that I care. I hear and I listen. I am compassionate and more often than not, I emphatise.

I met a group of students from the 1990 batch of BBGS, KL last month. One of them tracked me via my blog on one of my postings. I had always wondered what had become of them since they were the best, intellectually-challenged batch I had ever had in my long career. We arranged for a meet-up and it was wonderful. The 25 years gap was nothing compared to the ease, warmth and affectionate lunch we had. There was no awkwardness or discomfort which was always present after a long absence. I still enjoyed their company. Loud, lively, gregarious, outgoing and open ... I looked at them and I wondered how others coped with them ! Hahaha ... !!!! They were much higher up the echelon of society in their career. I am very pleased and proud that they have proved they were much better than me, a simple educator. Yet, the courtesy, respect and regard for me is such an honour that I feel so lucky and fortunate that I have, once upon a time, given the opportunity to have known them.

Once I had a student who came a few times to look me up for a few years as I was not around in school then. I had gone for further studies for three years. He came again when he heard that I was back. I taught him when he was in Form 2 and 3 back in the 90's after which he continued in one of the boarding schools, He had graduated and would be going for an overseas posting as an engineer. He said if he was a she, he would have hugged me. He stayed the whole day catching up and all he wanted was my blessings and prayers. I felt so touched and honoured.

So many students over the years who still maintained the relationship and would meet-up whenever they came back here during holidays or festivals. Whenever they saw me or met me anywhere ... they would call out to say hello. If they had their family with them, they would introduce them to me. I suppose they were my "children" and now extended to "grandchildren" ... 31 years of teaching thus I have touched thousands of impressionable, gullible and young lives ... somehow I know I have done something right.

This is how I measure success - not by their position in their careers but through the courtesy, warm regard and respect bestow upon me. Respect is earned and not given. I am content and proud to claim that they have become better people because at one point in their lives, we were fated to meet and I had touched their lives ... Thus, never stop doing the small things for others for to them it could be the biggest thing someone has done for them ... Alhamdulillah.

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