Thursday 22 September 2016

How Charming !!!! :-))

How charming !!! And only the "English" can do that. It was so sweet and so nostalgic. In a world of communication with one touch of the finger, it was "old school charm" style that was retained. It took almost six weeks for it to arrive via "snail mail" but arrived it did. :-(0) ... An ex-student who is now residing in UK sent a postcard ...

I used to love collecting postcards. Remember (those born in the 60's & 70's) when we used to have pen-pals from all over Malaysia and the world? How I enjoyed writing aerogrammes and postcards!! To encourage our hobbies and also to practice our writing skills, Bapak would always give us extra pocket money to indulge in buying lovely writing pads, postcards and stamps. The book stores and stationery section used to sell beautiful cards and writing pads.

I was the unofficial news correspondent for the family. When some of my sisters were either studying or working in USA, Japan, UK and Australia, I wrote faithfully every week to all of them. I wrote about almost everything about the family and its activities - all our pets were considered family too. Now we call it "updates". Maybe that is why I still write now - blog, e-mails, messenger or sms. No, I do not have whatsapp, IG or Twitter - someone said I preferred to simplify my life. Someone too said I lived in the "jurassic" era - a world without whatsapp or IG. My reasoning is very simple - you have my number right?

 When she went to Morocco, she sent another postcard just to see if it arrived as I told her that the postcard from London did not arrive. It arrived together with the postcard from London with a two-week difference between them. Is something wrong with our postal system? Anyway, they did arrived and faith in the postal system aka "snail mail" was restored. It may take like forever but it usually reaches its destination as intended.

Thank you for the sweet, charming and beautiful postcards. Enticing aren't they? Just to share with you reviewers and enjoy them. Besides ... God knows when I will receive another card !!!!! ;-)))

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