Tuesday 6 September 2011

Reflections on Hari raya 2011/1432H

Overall, tiring. As usual, priority was at Noor's place. Hmmm...but this Raya, Allah was very kind to me. Even though I managed to spend only a few hours at Kak Ti's and Kak Leha's, I did got to meet Baba, Kak Ina (Abd Zul's sis), Nan (Adik's mum in-law), Hamid too. At Wah's place, I managed to meet Zin. I miss my family and spending time with them. Only Raya will they be back in Melaka. It's not easy to get to meet them. Noor's family selalu sangat jumpa. In fact, they are all in the kampung area, so everytime balik, jumpa juga. It's been almost twenty years and still he just couldn't care much about my side of the family. Well...kita sabar je la. Allah masih kesiankan I. Dia izinkan setiap kali I balik rumah my sisters, ada saja orang sampai so that we were stuck there for a few hours more. Kalau tak, sekejap aje nak balik la...nak pergi rumah his friends la...I honestly find Raya tiring. I prefer tak balik Raya.

Yet this Raya, ketentuan Allah adalah segala-galanya. I got to meet some special and meaningful friends. Kamal. Othman. I know they are Noor's friends but I know them first since they were in my class at GPMS. Both these guys are very special to me. Even though it's been so many years, when we meet up, it's like the years just go by. We just feel comfortable with each other. That's the word. The feeling of comfort. We talked like we had never parted. I still argue with Kamal. Laugh like crazy over little things with Othman. It wasn't planned. It happened. Allah determined it. Albeit it was through Noor that we met up. I enjoyed it. It made me warm and contented. The feeling that we got along easily.

  I didn't get to meet up with Nooraini and Suratmi. What we had planned was something else. Even Noor, who was supposed to go back to Alor Setar with Suri decided that he would go back with me on Sunday. I thought I would have a couple of days with my sisters. Oh well....Allah kan maha adil. He gave some, He took some. That's fair. So, just bear with it and make the best of the situation. I enjoyed my family although not everybody was here..

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