Monday 19 September 2011

The lull before the storm..

Ever felt sometimes that when life is so peaceful, calm and comforting, it's as though it is just waiting for some catastrophe to happen? Have you ever felt that way?

Life is at its contentment now. Everything is calm and peaceful on the homefront. Now that there is only the two of us, we get along fine and tolerate each other better. Alhamdulillah. The boys are taken care of by Allah. Their destinies have already been determined by Him. So far, He has given them good tidings. I am very grateful. He has given us so much not in terms of materials but in terms of goodness, kindness, blessings and I can feel His compassion and mercy.

He gives me strength when I am at my weakest. He gives me solutions when I am at my loose ends. He gives me hope when I am down and depressed. He gives me richness so I can give out more alms. He gives me honour when I am at my lowest point in life. He gives me calmness when my life is in turbulence. He gives me patience when I am at wit's end. He gives me warmth when I am cold with human's nature. He gives me faith when I am at the brink of questioning it. He gives me friends to make my life a lot easier. He gives me family to make my life whole. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Segala puji bagi Allah.

"Maka nikmat Allah manakah yang kamu dustakan?"  Surah Ar-Rahman

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