Wednesday 14 October 2015

Salam Maal Hijrah 1437

As I was doing my walk at the park this morning, my mind was reflecting what the year before had been. I would say, personally, it was a year full of ups and downs. A year of uplifting experiences, memorable occasions, miserable incidents, happy times, sad times, proud moments, embarrassing situations ...

It was upsetting enough to start the year a week later than scheduled due to the floods in the east coast that would not subside. This meant the school year would end a week later. Then, sometime middle of the year, there was a major flood especially in Kelantan where thousands of residents were displaced and lose their homes. A few months ago, we had the worst haze in history as schools were ordered close for two days in the whole of Peninsular Malaysia except for Kelantan. Exams schedule were disrupted. Schools' activities were cancelled. Classes were closed. The haze is still hanging on. I still cannot view Mount Jerai from my school. It is still hazy over the padi fields towards Mount Jerai. Besides these major natural disasters, we have rabies, dengue, heat wave, infectious diseases .....

Minor disappointments and tests. Akmal was supposed to go to Bangkok to present a paper but it was cancelled due to a flu-like infectious disease some time in the middle of the year. Ikram was supposed to go for his Dean List award but his foreign language lecturer decided to have a test on the said day. He would not miss his test. Syafiq contemplated changing his minor as it had more job opportunities. Noor was supposed to go to Singapore to meet his Ivory Coast staff but it was cancelled due to the haze. We all accepted that it was meant to be and perhaps better things were meant for us. Akmal still got to present a paper next year but in Hawaii. Ikram still managed to secure a Dean List award for last semester. So, there is another chance to attend to this prestigious function. Syafiq decided to change his minor as he said it was easier. Well, they are used to make their own decisions. As parents, we gave all the support and encouragement. Noor's counterparts from Ivory Coast are coming to KL instead of Singapore for their week long training next week. So, everything has a way of working itself out by the grace of Allah.

As for me, it had been a very busy and hectic year. My application for optional early retirement was finally approved last week. Alhamdulillah. The LPM, JPN and school had fully used me with my co-ordination, observation, series of talks for English, writing reports, pre and post coordination meetings, conducting oral tests .... what with my five exam classes ..... professionally, I have given my all. I have done my best and I hope whatever knowledge I have shared, they will make full use of it now and forever. I am contented, satisfied and proud of myself. I do not expect anything neither do I want anything in return.

As usual, with ageing comes deaths, sickness and diseases. Friends passing away, admitted for strokes, diabetes, heart ailments and of course, accidents that disabled them physically and mentally. All these affected me and I hope I had learned a lesson from them. I managed to get Noor to be more concerned about his health. We changed our lifestyle and hope to lead a better and more productive life. He said he needed motivation but I told him it must come from himself. I could only do so much but whatever changes, he must do it because he wanted to. So, Alhamdulillah, hope it will be consistent ....

What a wonderful and comforting thought that Bapak had left something for us even in death. After almost half a century, we found out that he had left two lots of prime land right in the centre of Peringgit. Unknown even to my late eldest brother who passed away last year. It was when the state government wanted that land for road expansion, that they managed to locate the heirs to the lands concerned. It might not make me any wealthier as it had to be divided among so many of us but it was a comforting thought.

What a year. Full of trials and tribulations. Rewards and abundance in wealth. Disappointments and tests. Happiness and glory. Yet, with faith and belief, we face all these with prayers, hopes and smiles. Nothing is too tough or difficult. May 1437H be a peaceful, smooth and blessed year. May this year be better than the last. It is all up to us. To all my page reviewers .... have a meaningful, blessed and great year. In shaa Allah.

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