Tuesday 16 August 2011

Ramadhan 1432H - Part 2

Today is the 16th Ramadhan 1432H. What have been happening to me this past precious fortnight of the most treasured month of the year? Satu kenikmatan. MasyaAllah. SubhanAllah.

The starting of Ramadhan was peaceful enough. The challenge started with the preparation for the trial PMR exam. It was so exhausting getting ready the hall. Hilang juga kesabaran dengan students yang really try your patience. Then, balik Melaka-Muar-Alor Setar to visit Ijah, who met with an accident and helping out with Shah whatever we can help to lighten his load. Then the whole week of the trial PMR exam. Try controlling 250 students in one hall alone. Run the trial exam alone most of the time.The teachers just didn't turn up or help out. Oh well, it's their loss. I dapat pahala free. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Hari-hari doa ku ialah doa Nabi Musa agar melembutkan hati students dan melapangkan serta memudahkan tugas dan tanggungjawab ku di dewan. MasyaAllah, at the end of the week - all I can say was "Sekarang baru ku faham apa itu nikmat keletihan." Dalam keletihan ada kekuatan. Dalam kelemahan ada kekuatan. Dalam kesukaran ada kemudahan. "Maka nikmat Allah manakah yang kamu dustakan?" (Surah Ar-Rahman)

The past week I have to cook for 5 people instead of 3. Since one of the staff had quit, there's only Noor and Akmal. So, since they could not come back for berbuka, I went to the shop. So, I cooked extra for the staff everyday. Alhamdulillah, hari-hari dapat jamu orang buka puasa. Ada hikmahnya walaupun ada kesukaran. I dapat pergi masjid awal for solat maghrib, mengaji Quran, jemaah solat Isya', solat Terawih dan solat Witir sebagai penutup. Nikmatnya hanya Allah yang tahu. Beriktikaf dan berjemaah di rumah Allah. Sungguh kecil dan remeh bagi setengah orang yang memang berkampung di masjid tetapi amat besar maknanya bagi ku. SubhanAllah.

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