Sunday 28 August 2011

Rain, rain go away....

Remember the nursery rhyme? Rain, rain go away, come again another day, little children want to play....

Here I 4:00pm, Sunday, 28th August / 28th Ramadhan looking out the screen door. Enjoying the cold and refreshing weather. Yet, it was not contentment that I feel. Neither do I feel happy or joy with the rain, Allay's way of cleansing the earth and purify the souls. Ever wonder even in death, we are bathed and cleansed and take the ablution (wudu')?
 It has been raining since Thursday non-stop. On and off but non-stop. Four straight days. This was what happened last year before we were hit by the BIG flood and had to be flood victims. We were forced to move out and evacuated to a relief centre. Yet, everything was made easy by His grace and compassion. It's 2 days to Eid-ul-Fitri. We heard that Thailand's rivers are already swollen. That will start the floods if they overflow. I don't think I can take another flood. Yes, it was a trying time for us. No, we didn't lose out so much of our things like our neighbours. Yes, we looked at the positive side of it and in a way, it taught both of us patience. Yet...the cleaning up afterwards was what I couldn't take it. Allah knows better. I shall leave it in His hands. We are going back to Melaka for the Eid-ul-Fitri and leave our house to Him. Allah kan ada?
"Berdoalah kepada Ku nescaya akan Ku perkenankan."

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