Monday 18 July 2011

There are no coincidences in life...

That's what the Kedah mufti said. Everything that happens because they are meant to happen and not coincidences. Thus, it was not a conincidence that I met Uztaz Mohd Noor of SMA Makarimul Akhlak who offered me to come to his school. Well, I can just hope something will come out of this meeting. If Allah wills it, Alhamdulillah. If not, it was never meant to be. Jangan berputus harap dengan Allah. Mungkin Dia lebih mengetahui apakah itu yang terbaik untuk ku. Bersabar lah. Berdoalah. Berserahlah. InsyaAllah. Bersangka baik dengan Allah swt.

I found an old friend who was a part of my life back in the 80's on facebook while looking for another person. Is that another coincidence or fated? Thus, I started communicating with him via e-mail. It's like finding a long, lost friend. Yet, I feel guilty if I am disrupting his settled life over there. After his marriage, he has always been referred to as Noor's friend though I knew him first. Is this another coincidence? I like writing to him and sharing bits of my life here. Maybe he is not interested and is just being polite in replying my mails.Give me guidance ya Allah.

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