Saturday 23 July 2011

What a day!

Friday, 22nd July. We left Kelana Jaya early morning and reached Melaka @ 9:30am. The two sisters had planned our lunch. Eat at Kak Leha's house and Kak Ti would bring what she had cooked over there. We sat around the kitchen table and gossiped and caught up with the news. Abg. Md. Noor was getting restless being ignored and kept coming into the kitchen to butt into our bonding time. We planned to meet Kak Haj at A'Famosa after the Friday prayers. But, we could only plan, Allah determined everything. There was an accident along the highway and her bus was stuck for almost a few hours.

We went to meet her after Asar. My sisters were so teruk. They were like tourists for they had not been to this area for so long. Yeah, Bandar Hilir had changed for the  better. The schools - SFI, Sacred Heart Convent, High School are still there along the tourists' stretch. I enjoyed people watching. There were many tourists and definitely none from Melaka itself. So, we decided to go into the cool Dataran Pahlawan shopping complex. Finally, Kak Haj arrived and we met up at McD. Of course, when the sisters met up, there were noises and laughter and serious story telling. Kak Hajar was on a trip  organised by her Rukun Tetangga. That lady is sure busy. Sometimes it is difficult to keep track of her. Thank God for facebook, e-mails and handphones. :-D.

Then at night, Zul, my nephew treated us to ikan bakar dinner at Anjung Batu at Umbai to celebrate Wah's birthday. Last night we treated Wah at Manhattan's Fish Market at Subang Parade. We also had a cake cutting ceremony sponsored by Ani, Zul's wife. Lunch was already delicious with home cooking. Yeah, it was a good day. Wah enjoyed her birthday.It's celebrated for three days!!! The only thing that made me a little down was Ikram could not get an overnight outing. Oh well, maybe it's meant to be. We will go and see him in Seremban and Nadia in Bangi. Izinkan Ya Allah, kami bertemu dengan Ikram dan Nadia. Peliharailah kasih sayang antara kami dan permudahkanlah.

Manhattan Fish Market for birthday dinner - 21st July - First menu

Manhattan Fish market - Second menu

The birthday cake courtesy of Zul & Ani

Satay at Nadia's apartment - 23rd July

Jagung rebus courtesy of Kak Leha

The balance of the birthday cake

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