Sunday 19 May 2013

The Mammogram ...

I took leave today. I had already fixed an appointment with KMC (Kedah Medical Centre) to do my mammogram. Finally, after putting it off for so many years. Adik discovered cysts in her breasts. Although stable and non-growing, the doctor monitored them. Wah had her wombs removed due to cysts that spread all over it. Kak Leha had hers removed due to fibroid. Thus, due to family history, I knew I had to check mine. I had the endometrium hyperplasy checked and the doctor found it negative of cancerous cells.

The LPPKN (Family Planning and Development Unit) came to our school to give students their HPV injection for cervix cancer immunisation last week. They were offering vouchers for doing a mammogram test at KMC for breast cancer screening. It was on for RM50 instead of the RM180 - RM220 per screening. I took up the offer and fixed today as the appointment date. I was apprehensive and afraid but I knew I had to get it done. I went alone as usual.

It was painful but a bearable kind of pain. The girl or radiographer was very calm and professional. I had to wait for half an hour for the results. I thought everything was cleared but nothing was ever easy. Not for me, anyway.  ;-{  The doctor or Radiologist wanted to have another screening of the left breast. By now I was already afraid of the results. The radiographer was cheerful so I thought everything was alright. Hmmm ... never trust cheerful hospital staff.  :-}   Anyway, I waited for the result again. By this time, whatever I was reading in the newspaper did not make sense.

She finally called me to hand over the results. The doctor explained that he saw some abnormal cells and wanted to confirm whether it was benign or malignant. He told me it was just cells at a benign process. I could only take a deep breath and Alhamdulillah. I then went to the LPPKN clinic to submit my report. I was so thankful because honestly, I would not know how to react and accept if it was malignant.

Thus, to further fully utilised this day, I went to Omayah's office and took Nawal and her out for lunch as my treat over the good news.  :-))   Now, for some rest before I proceeded with the next agenda for the day - tutoring Ain. Thank you Allah, for a day which started with little things I could do for people - Kakak Kamariah (Naim's sister) called early in the morning and asked for Kak Haj's phone number as she could not get through to her. So, I called Kak Haj and arranged for her to call Kakak as she wanted to book an apartment in Camerons. Then, my GK called asking confirmation about the set classes I was teaching in Form 1. Although it was my off day, I answered whatever queries she had. Well, just to make her work easier rather than checking out the main time-table. Then, at the parking lot at the hospital, a car was looking for parking so I showed him my car and he followed me to take over my lot. Little things but I know it means a lot to these people. May today be a better day than yesterday. May the little things be big things for me. InsyAllah.

It is advisable for ladies above 45 years old to have the mammogram to detect anything abnormal and for early prevention or monitoring. I am glad I went as it was always at the back of my mind what if .... just go and get it done. I think this campaign is all through Malaysia. Just go to any LPPKN clinic and apply for it. All you need is your Identity card. Go for it. As a colleague said when I asked her why was she taking so many types of supplements - Health is Wealth.  :-)))

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