Saturday 8 December 2012

CCCM - Kelana Jaya : Day 8 - Final Dinner

It was raining cats and dogs after maghrib just as we wanted to leave for dinner. So, we were stranded and waited for the rain to subside a little. We were afraid of the lightning. Thus, old stories were recalled what we always did during lightning and thunderstorm. It's our last night together. The holidays are officially over by dinner tonight. Nadia and Adi agreed to join us. Kak Ti was not well and having a fever so she opted out. Adik had some prior engagement and could not join us either. Thus, Wah, Kak Haj, Kak Leha, Nadia, Adi and I opted for something simple for dinner. We decided on Rasa Utara restaurant famed for its sotong kangkong and tahu bakar. When the rain had subsided a little, we went off for dinner.
Sup tulang - sourish and spicy - just nice
Add-on dishes - mix vegetables
Fried kue teow kerang - okay lah
Sotong kangkong - recommended
Char kue teow - okay lah
 It was the final dinner for us sisters. We honestly do not know when we will get to gather like this again. Just us without our better halves. All of us have their own health issues. Commitments and obligations tied us down. We all made the attempt to be free at this moment of time. If anything, I am grateful to be of some service to my sisters. To be a part of our bonding and strengthening love and ties to each other. To be given the patience and strength to be of service to them as their driver. I hope everybody had a good time and enjoyed the food trail together.

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