Saturday 8 December 2012

CCCM - Jalan Masjid India : Day 8 - Lunch

I went for my walk for the required 30 minutes. I needed it as I was already feeling the effects of the whole week of overeating and out of my normal routine or diet. The sisters were waiting for me for breakfast. So, dutifully I Took them where they wanted to go. The pasar tani at Kelana Jaya. We had the usual breakfast of nasi lemak, roti bom, ubi rebus and char kuey. When we reached Wah's house, Kak Ti came with her grand daughter. While the others entertained her, I read my newspaper. After that we got ready to go to Masjid India, Kak Leha's must go second destination when she is in KL. I could not wriggle myself out of this one as I felt bad that I did not accompanied them yesterday. It was as usual tiring and I trudged and tagged along after them. I gave my comments dutifully and diplomatically. I helped to carry their load. Finally, we reached Kak Haj's main destination - the old, quaint Capital Cafe or we always referred it as Capitol Cafe. We came here just for the mee rebus. Wah was still not hungry so she just had a drink.
Still the same old signage ... :-)
The nostalgic mee rebus - ever since Kak Haj worked in KL back in the 70"s
The rojak - not quite up to Kak Leha's expectations
 This cafe had not changed at all. Most of the staff were old. Like they were there for generations. It still divided itself into 3 parts with a narrow aisle for customers to enter the shop. The nasi padang on your left, the mee mamak in the middle and the chinese fried mee/rice on the left along with the cashier. Drinks were controlled by the Chinese towkay. So, we usually ordered packet drinks or mineral water. It was always crowded with the lunch crowd. People were always hanging around for empty tables. It is still popular especially for its mee rebus.  :-)

Next, we proceeded to Sogo. There was a sale going on and there was an unusual large crowd. I wandered around on my own while the others did too. Wah did a little shopping while we just browsed and window shopped. Later, we adjourned to the food court on the 6th floor. I only had the chendol as I had already eaten. Wah went to get her lunch. Kak Leha wanted to try the assam pedas but it was not to her taste so she refused to finish off the rice. A pity. Wah must have her iced fruit jelly. Thus, satiated, full and satisfied, we started the journey back to Kelana Jaya.

Kak Leha's choice but she did not finish it off
Wah's lunch - simple but satisfying
The chendol - nice, santanish and just nicely sweet
The iced fruit jelly of sea coconut jelly and lychee
 I am glad that my sisters got what they wanted. Kak Leha main aim was to go shopping at Kenanga Warehouse and Jalan Masjid India. Kak Hajar wanted to eat the mee rebus. Wah and I just tagged along and tried to accommodate whatever they wanted. I am grateful for this time with them. For the patience given to me to cater to their whims and fancy. We were supposed to drive back to Melaka today to continue our food trail to Bandar Hilir area. Last night they changed their minds. I could only smile and say their wish is my command ....  

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